The Interdependent Web:

Post Office


Lead artist Drewry Hanes says, “I grew up with the idea that we are all part of ‘an interdependent web of life’, that everything and everyone is connected. It was part of my faith and the way I knew in hard times that though I felt alone, I was not alone. The saying “there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet” resonated with me strongly at my first year at Burning Man. Through art, I want people to feel that they are connecting to everyone else even invisibly.” Through the mailbox, you can write a message and not know where it goes, and receive a message from somewhere unknown but perhaps known. As we travel with the card tucked into our pocket or pack, we have a piece of someone’s mind and soul with us, meant for us. We gave something of ourselves, and we are tied inexorably together. When we take the card with us when we leave a place, we are forever connecting the experience and that person with our lives beyond.

Montopia, July 2023

Cosmic Hypothesis and lead artist Drewry Hanes were proud to present their piece The Interdependent Web: Post Office at Center Camp during the 2023 Montopia regional Burning Man event. The three day gathering brought together incredible artists, musicians, and revelers from across the West and Canada. The art team was also pleased to have the opportunity to volunteer with the event and hopes to return next year with another artwork.


  • Build / Strike Team

    Jess is a multi-generational Montanan and hails from Stevensville, Montana. Heart of a wanderer, happiest in the deep stillness of a forest, mother and caregiver, shy introvert posing as extrovert, quick wit.

Our connections make us who we are.